Tennis players get hungry.
Sometimes they get hungry before a match…sometimes after a match…or even during a match.
If you are playing a tennis match or in a tennis tournament then you want to keep some snacks with you to help keep your energy and strength up.
You will discover 10 snack ideas in this post that will leave you feeling satisfied…but not stuffed.
Tasty Snack Ideas for Tennis Players

Greek Yogurt
Use a small cooler (like this) to take healthy snacks with you to your matches and tournaments.
Greek yogurt is a favorite of mine because it is packed with protein and can be eaten quickly.
There are so many different types of flavors available to choose form in the single serving size.
You can also make your own flavors by taking plain greek yogurt and mixing it with frozen fruit that has been slightly thawed.
Sometimes I will also add in some chocolate protein powder (this kind would work) to make it extra yummy and filling.
Popcorn isn’t just for the movies!
This savory snack provides you with protein and fiber which are great for a healthy diet.
You can by individual servings (like these) or make your own using an air popper.
Grab some fun seasonings to put on top (these are my favorite) and you are good to go.
Fruit, Vegetables, and Peanut Butter
Keep it simple.
Take apples, bananas, celery, carrots or any other fruit that goes well with peanut butter and stick it in your bag for some healthy carbs and fat.
You can even buy peanut butter packets that will prevent spilling in your bag.
Build Your Own Trail Mix
Who doesn’t love trail mix?
You can make it sweet, savory, or spicy so it fits any taste profile.
If you don’t have time to create your own you can buy a bag (this one looks good) and just keep it in your tennis bag for when you need it.
Energy Bar
Keeping energy bars in your bag at all times is a great way to be prepared.
However, if you are playing tennis out in the heat you will want to make sure they don’t have ingredients that will melt.
A simple sandwich provides you a variety of ways to give you some hand held nutrition.
The bread gives carbohydrates which will boost your energy while the meat and cheese provide fats and protein to keep you full.
Pack on some veggies for flavor and crunch…and you are good to go!
Veggies and Hummus
Craving something crunchy and savory?
Vegetables and hummus are quick to prepare and will leave you feeling satisfied.
You can even grab individual sized hummus containers (like these) if you are watching your portions

Build Your Own Smoothie
Smoothies are the perfect snack or meal to take with when you are playing in the heat.
If you pick the right ingredients you can create a nutritious beverage that will also help keep you hydrated.
I usually keep it pretty simple when making smoothies.
I usually start with a banana and one other type of fruit (usually berries or pineapple.)
Then I add in some spinach, beets, or any other vegetable that I am craving.
Almond milk is what I use to mix it all together.
You may also want to add some protein powder (like this) to add some extra flavor and protein.
Pour it into a mason jar and pack it into your cooler.
You can find more delicious smoothie recipes HERE.
Hard Boiled Eggs
Eggs are one of the most nutrient packed foods available (you can read more about that here) which makes them an EGGCELLENT choice for tennis players.
Hard boiling them makes them easy to transport…just make sure you pack them in a cooler.
Beef Jerky
Beef jerky is great because most varieties can be stored without refrigeration.
You will want to check the label to make sure.
Keep some in your tennis bag to snack and and give you a boost of protein when needed.
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