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Do Tennis Racquets Wear Out? What You Need to Know When Considering Racquet Replacement

How long have you had your tennis racquet?

Maybe a few years….or maybe more like 15?

My favorite tennis racquet that I still use is 17 years old!

Now in my situation…that racket got me through the last 2 years of high school tennis and then 4 years of college tennis.

The last 10 years of the racquet’s life as been mainly sitting on a shelf collecting dust with just a couple of summer leagues use.

Is it time for me to get a new racket?


In this post we will talk about why and when you would need to purchase a new tennis racket and what maintenance you can do to keep it working for you.

Do tennis racquets wear out?

Yes, no matter how good you take care of them they will eventually wear out and need to be replaced.

How do you fix a crack in your tennis racket?

You will most likely not be able to fix a crack in your tennis racket frame.

If you have a crack in your tennis racquet you will want to replace it so that it does not effect how you play.

How much does it cost to restring a tennis racquet?

Depending on where you go you will spend somewhere between $10-$30. You will want to make sure you take it to a professional that knows what they are doing so your racquet does not get damaged or broken.

Do tennis racquets wear out?

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Do Tennis Racquets Wear Out?

Tennis Racquet Life Expectancy

According this article by the USTA they recommend getting a new racquet after just…gulp…2 years!

Although they say there is no magic formula this is what they recommend for club tennis players that are playing at least 2 times a week.

I found this very surprising.

In my high school and college days I was playing at least 4-5 times a week.

This makes me wonder…If I get a new racquet will my game improve?

I am convinced that it is time to trade in my old model for something new as I am planning to play in my first summer tournament in like….a million years and want to be at my best.

Signs You Need a New Tennis Racquet

If your not up for following the 2 year rule then there are some other signs you can look for of when it is time to turn in your racquet and get something new.

One of the first things you want to watch out for are cracks in the frame.

These can show up after your tennis racquet has had significant use…or if you are one of those players that may strike it to the ground every now and then when they those a point.

You will also want to make sure the shape of your racquet holds as this can get damaged as well for various reasons.

Tennis Racquet Life Expectancy

How to Maintain Tennis Racquet Frames

One of the best things you can do is be GENTLE with your racquet.

No hitting it on the ground, scraping it, or throwing it.

Your tennis racquet is your best friend on the court.

So be kind to it!

You will also want to store it in a place that is climate controlled.

Extreme temperatures whether it be extremely cold or boiling hot in the trunk of the car are not good for tennis racquets.

You will also want to make sure that you have your racquet restrung with a professional restringer.

If the person stringing your racquet does not know what they are doing they could damage your racquet or break it on the spot.

So is it time for a new racquet?

I don’t know about you…but for me I will be seeking out a new racquet soon so check back for my journey on find the perfect tennis racquet!

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Is it time to replace your tennis racket?