Are you looking for ways to improve your tennis serve?
Having an amazing serve is important because it gives you the opportunity to win points.
If you hit an ace…that point is yours which is pretty powerful!
Take some time to practice and improve by trying out these tennis drills for serving.
Improve your tennis serve by practicing your toss, aim, and follow through. You can do this by being mindful during tennis matches and trying out different tactics when serving. You can also use tennis drills for serving to refine your first and second serve as well.
This depends on your opponent. You will want to watch your opponent closely and see where their weakness is. If they struggle with backhands then serve to the backhand.
You will stand behind the baseline. You are aiming for the service box which is diagonal from you on the court.
Tennis Serve Accuracy Drill
Perfecting your aim will let you hit the ball anywhere you want when you are serving.
This is a crucial skill especially when you are using tennis strategy to target your opponents weaknesses.
You want to be so on point with your aim that if your opponent has a weak backhand…you can hit the serve to their backhand every time if needed.
You can really use anything from tennis balls or targets (like these) to set up the drill.
Put the targets where you would like your serve to land and then grab a hopper full of balls and try to hit those targets.
Start with 1 or 2 targets and see how many times you can hit them.
Serve from Different Angles
Are you someone that stands in the exact same spot every time you serve?
If so…then this drill is for you.
Time to learn to serve from different spots and get some practice doing it!
Explore serving from anywhere along the back baseline between the end and middle of the court.
See how it feels.
Do you notice anything different about where your serve is landing?
Having the ability to serve from different spots will allow you to get different angles as well as throw off your opponent.
Making small changes like this can be a great way to have a tennis comeback when you are down in a match.
Partner Serving Drill
This is a fun drill that you will need another person to help you with.
This person doesn’t have to be a tennis player.
You could have a friend, spouse, or child help you out with this one.
What you want to do is have them call out where the serve should land after you have tossed the ball.
They could use words like right, middle, or left to describe where the ball is to land.
This will help you gain accuracy and prepare you for situations where you feel the pressure.
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