Although playing tennis indoors is quite popular, playing outside is how many of us enjoy the sport.
I have played some LONG tennis matches in the heat and sun.
It is important to play smart when playing outside in summer like conditions.
Read on for some tips and tricks on how to prepare yourself for your next tennis match that happens to fall on a hot summer day.
How to Handle the Heat When Playing Tennis
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Risks From Working Out in the Heat
Any sort of workout in the heat can become dangerous when done incorrectly and careless.
Let’s take a look at some of the risks involved and how to stay safe.
Technically sunburn isn’t from the heat…but it goes hand in hand with hot weather.
Keep in mind even when it is cloudy…there is still a risk for sunburn.
Really if you are going to be working out or playing tennis out in the sun it is best to lather up with your favorite sunscreen before you head out.
What is the best sunscreen for tennis players?
You will want a sunscreen that is long lasting, stays on while you sweat, and goes on quickly if you need to reapply between points.
Stick sunscreens like this one are my favorite because I can throw them in my tennis bag and not worry about them spilling or spraying all over
Another plus is that my hands don’t get all sticky and greasy when applying…don’t want to drop that tennis racket!
Make sure to pick a sunscreen that is
Heat Exhaustion
If you are out in the heat and are not taking the necessary precautions to stay safe then heat exhaustion is a definite possibility.
Taking breaks and staying hydrated are a couple of ways to prevent heat exhaustion.
You can read more tips on prevention and what to do if it occurs HERE.
What do tennis players drink to stay hydrated during a tennis match?
Most of the time I stick to water during a match.
However if you are playing in extreme heat or are playing multiple matches in a tournament, you may want something else.
Having sports drink mix packets (like these) in your bag in case you need one is a great way to be prepared.
The Best Sports Drink for Tennis Players
What is the best sports drink for tennis players?
I think this question is up to the individual.
Depending on what your taste buds like and what you need to help up your performance is up to you.
It may take a bit of trial and error before you find a drink that suits you best.
Personally, I want something that tastes good and replenishes electrolytes for those long matches in the heat.
A tablet (like this) can do just that without added sugar and caffeine which are two things I like to avoid.
Pack a Cooler
If possible, put those sports drinks in a cooler (like this one) with ice packs.
A cold drink will cool you down faster then a warm one.
The ice packs are also a great way to give you some relief in the heat.
Ice packs like these are perfect to put on your forehead or back of the neck to cool you down a bit.
Prepare for Heat the Night Before
If you know you are going to be playing tennis the next day it is best to refrain from alcohol.
It is dehydrating and even a little bit can wreck your sleep for the night and you want to be well rested.
You can read more about how drinking alcohol can impact your performance here.
However if you are craving that beer maybe try a non-alcoholic one.
Choose a Tennis Outfit That Will Keep You Cool
If it is going to be hot out you will want to be wise with what you wear.
Choose fabrics that are light weight and can wick away the moisture.
A tank top tennis dress (like this one) can be perfect for those hot days.
Stay away from dark colors as those will make you hotter on a sunny day as well.
Check out some more cute tennis outfit options here.
Keep the Sweat Out of Your Eyes
Using sweat bands (like these) can be a great way to keep the sweat out of your eyes.
Many tennis visors (this one is so cute) have a built in band to keep the sweat off your face as well.
It will also help protect your eyes from the sun.
Keep a cooling towel (like this one) nearby so that you can dab off excess sweat and cool down a bit between sets.
Change Your Tennis Strategy
Some players hang out at the baseline and have killer ground strokes.
Other players run up to the net every chance they get.
If the temperature is hot…you will want to take that into consideration when thinking about your tennis strategy.
Some tennis matches last hours.
If you are playing in a tournament you may even have more then one match in a day.
You will want to make sure your tennis strategy is manageable when the temperature is hot.
Don’t Be Afraid to Take a Break
This is so IMPORTANT!
If you are feeling overheated then you need to take a break.
No tennis match is worth harming yourself.
There are lots of places to build in breaks when you are playing a match.
If it is your serve…take your time.
Instead of running to retrieve balls after a point is over just walk over and grab them.
When you are switching sides, simply sit down and take a break.
Put a cold towel on the back of your neck to help bring your body temperature down.
Always listen to your body!
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