The game is not over until it is over.
If you are in the middle of a tennis match and the score is not in your favor…don’t give up.
One of the most beautiful parts of tennis is that we get a fresh start with every point, game, and set.
In this post I will give you 5 ways to take charge of your match and have a tennis comeback to steal a win!
Tennis Comeback: How to Turn a Losing Match Around
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Change it Up
If you are heading in the direction to lose then it is time to make a change.
If your first serves are not going in or the opponent is slamming them back at you then serve your second serve as your first.
Sounds crazy right?
It may be…but it will also throw off your opponent.
Even one point that goes in your direction will give you more hope and make your opponent a bit more nervous.
Get creative and think of ways you can change the game.
You could change your placement on the court.
Either stand closer to the net or further from it.
If you are playing doubles tennis talk to your partner and see if they can think of a way to switch things up.
Change is GOOD.
RELATED POST: How to Serve Like a Tennis Pro
Slow Down
It can be easy to just put your head down and get a loss over quickly.
I have been in that position so many times where the pace of the game is going very fast and I am on the losing end.
I encourage you to stop…and lose SLOWLY.
Perhaps just slowing down the pace of the game will make things swing in the other direction.
Take your time when you are serving.
Sit down on the bench and take a breath before you start a new set.
If your opponent is antsy to keep the match moving fast…YOU take control and slow down.
This will throw the other player off and maybe even change which way the points are landing.
Get to EVERY Ball
When the going gets tough…it is time for you to GET GOING.
Do not miss a point because you just didn’t “go for it.”
We have all been there before…we just get a little down and a little lazy.
Go for every point like it is the point that would win the entire match.
If you are like a dog with a bone going after every ball your opponent may get a bit frightened.
RELATED POST: Winning Tennis Strategy 101
Pretend You are the One Winning
Forget the actual score and pretend that you are the one winning the match.
What will this do?
Relieve some of the pressure that you have put on yourself.
If you were up by 2 games would you feel as stressed?
Probably not.
This will help you have a more positive outlook on the match and calm some of your own jitters.
Let Your Opponent Make the Mistake
Do not focus on getting big winning shots.
Focus on just getting the ball over the net.
If you can get the ball over the net then you can win a point, match, or set.
Let your opponent make the mistake and you will gain some ground.
Good Luck!
I hope this post has given you some quick tricks that will help you win your next match.
If you do lose…learn from the experience.
Pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses and find some ways to improve your game.
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