Tennis terms may seem a bit goofy at first.
Actually…they still seem a bit goofy after you have been playing for years.
Goofy or not, it is important to know and have a basic tennis terms list to look over before you start playing.
Whether you are getting ready to play your first match or just want to know what tennis terms mean for a viewing purpose I have you covered.
We will cover ALL the tennis terms you need to know so that you can understand what those tennis players are talking about!
Tennis Terms List for Beginners
Tennis Terms: Serving
You start every game, set, and match with a serve…so let’s start with those terms.
You want to hit an ACE!
Hitting an ace is when you serve and it lands in bounds and your opponent is unable to return it.
How do you hit an ace? Check out these tips on serving in tennis to get started.
A let is when you hit a serve and it touches the net but lands in bounds.
If this happens then you get to “redo” the serve.
It is not a let if you hit the ball and it grazes the net and lands out of bounds.
A fault is a failed attempt at a serve. This could mean the server hit the ball out of bounds or they missed the ball entirely.
Double Fault
A double fault happens when the servers makes to invalid attempts at serving. The point then goes to the receiver.
Foot Fault
A foot fault can be called when the server crosses the service line with their foot.
You should be behind the service line when serving both your first and second serves.
Tennis Terms: Scoring
Points in Tennis
Scoring sounds a bit different in tennis than other sports.
Here is a quick run down of how the points go and what they are called:
Zero: Love
1: 15
2: 30
3: 40
4: Game
All: Tied score except when Deuce
Deuce: A score of 40-40
Ad-In: Scorer needs one more point to win
Ad-Out: Receiver needs one more point to win
Still confused? Read my complete guide of tennis scoring for more explanation of how it all works.
Double Bagel
When a tennis match ends with the score 6-0, 6-0.
Get it? What tennis player doesn’t love them some bagels?
Tennis Terms: Hits
This is the first shot of every point.
The server tosses the ball up in the air and aims to hit it across the court into the service box.
Take a look my quick guide on how to play tennis if you are unsure where the service box is.
This is a hit when the back of your arm or hand is facing the direction of where you want the ball to go.
A stroke in tennis when your palm is facing the direction in which you wish the tennis ball to go.
A volley is when you “block” the ball with your tennis racket.
You should not be swinging when you hit this stroke…instead think of it as punching the ball with your racket.
Typically this shot is used during net play.
You can find out a fun way to practice volleys here in my tennis drills to do alone post.
The lob is a shot that you can do with a forehand, backhand, or volley.
The goal with a lob is to get the ball up in a high arch that lands somewhere away from your opponent.
Approach Shot
The approach shot is used to get you up to the net.
It can be a backhand, forehand, or volley that you usually hit when you are on your way to the net.
Drop Shot
The goal of this shot is to just “drop” it over the net and far enough away so your opponent can’t get to it.
You can use backspin, slice, or chip to get the drop shot over.
Tennis Terms: General
Cross Court
When the ball is hit diagonally over the net.
A ball that lands deep in the court is near the baseline.
Down the Line
This is when you hit the ball down the sideline onto your opponents court.
How you hold your tennis racket.
Different grips are used for hitting different types of shots or serves.
You can learn more about the different tennis grips HERE.
Are you ready to play?
I hope you have a better understanding of the terms used during tennis.
If you can think of one that I forgot…let me know in the comments below and I will add it to the list.
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