Are you a new tennis player trying to learn the tennis terms needed to be able to play a match?
As much as I love playing tennis…I still remember being confused by the tennis scoring system and the jargon.
In this post, I will explain what a let in tennis means so that you will know exactly how to handle it when you are playing a tennis match.
Here are the topics that will be covered:
- What is a let in tennis?
- Calling a Tennis Let for Disruption
- Let Serve in Tennis
- How many serves are allowed in tennis?
- Tennis Let Rules
- Frequently Asked Questions about Tennis Lets
What is a let in tennis?
A let in tennis can be called for a few different reasons and in general means that you will be replaying a point.
No one gains or loses a point…you are just simply replaying.
Calling a Tennis Let for Disruption
Depending on where you are playing tennis it is very likely a disruption could happen.
Sometimes a tennis player from another court will accidentally hit a ball onto your court during a point.
If this happens either player can call “let.”
Let’s say you have a few balls that are back by the fence but then suddenly a wind kicks up and they happen to roll onto the court.
You would want to call a let again.
Call the let and then move the ball off the court as no one wants to roll an ankle.
You will want to call a let anytime there is a disruption.
You will then replay that point allowing the person who was serving to serve again.
Let Serve in Tennis
The other time that lets happen is while serving.
If a player serves the ball and it touches the net but still falls in the correct serve box then a let should be called and the serve will be redone.
If this happens on the first serve then the first serve is redone and the player still gets a second serve it they do not get their “redo” serve in.
If the ball grazes the net but falls in the wrong service box that is counted as a missed serve and not a let.
If the let happens on the second serve then there is just a redo on the second serve…they do not get to “redo” the first serve as well.
A let can also be called if the server serves the ball before their opponent is ready.
How many let serves are allowed in tennis?
There is no limit to how many lets you can call in tennis.
As long as it is a true let then you can call it.
Tennis Let Rules
So who can call a tennis let?
If you have someone officiating your tennis match they can call the let or either player.
If it is just you and another person playing than either player can call a let.
If you are looking to speed up a tennis match you can also have a “no-let” rule.
This needs to be known and agreed on by both players.
This means if a situation does come up where a let typically would be called you just keep playing the point.
This is never really used in professional play but is sometimes seen in recreational tennis.
There are a few different ideas on why it is called a tennis let.
Some will say it is because you are simply “letting” the ball pass by.
Another suggestion is that the french word “filet” translates to “net” which was then shortened by players.
There is no limit to the number of tennis lets that can be called.
If there is a let…call it!
After a tennis let is called no one receives a point and the point is replayed.
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